Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I'm so hungry I could eat a baby.
Caffeine in my brain

I got a bit scared the day before yesterday when I realized an idiotic thing. It's funny how we can never know everything about ourselves and our reactions to certain things. I was talking to a friend about a party he went to and about the fact that his friends started doing cocaine at some point. And he was like "I would never do drugs.". And I didn't say anything because I thought that if I would've been there, I would have wanted to try them. !!!! What the hell? The sad part is that those thoughts came into my head automatically. I wasn't thinking too much about what I would do. I just imagined everything and it seemed pretty realistic. Thank God I'm not a rockstar. I would've been dead by now if I were. Maybe it's just a phase? I've been acting pretty crazy lately. I started smoking in front of my parents. But that just gives me the feeling of being very sick. Mentally.
Again, I have no idea what I want. We'll see tonight, when all hell will break loose. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! I'm happy for a reason and stressed for another. Actually it's all fucked up. So typicall. And it's so funny that all these stupid things happen because of me! It's always MY fault! And even when I know I should stop, I don't want to! Because at that point I'm feeling good and that's always nice. But I'm not alone on this planet, I affect other people too. Ok, in the other case I hope I won't be the one too affected. But it's still my fault. I miss Mihnea. Though that was another complicated story. All the special people I've met in my life fucked me up. I'm not completely crazy yet. So, freaks (I mean that in a nice way, of course. Normal is fucking boring when you're young), feel free to mess up my brain and we'll have lots of fun together.
Another post will follow soon with a recap of the year 2009.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Confusing love with fascination. I have to cut my fingernails. "Du siehst so gepflegt aus." Ewwwwwwww fucking PERV. I need Kippen. I don't know what to do. Should I go buy some or just make something to eat and try to forget about it or both? Let me have a look inside my wallet.
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Don't you just hate it when you remember some people you used to hang out with or just see on a regular basis, but you didn't really know them. I mean, you knew their first name and what they do or where they come from and you would exchange some random insignificant words with them. But you would always be fascinated by them and think that they would never be interested in you and that they don't even know you exist. You're like everybody else to them and you don't even TRY to get closer to them and you keep on watching them from a distance....dreaming. And then, when it's too late and they're gone, you find out that they actually cared about you and felt the same way as you did. And they always noticed you. So once you find that out you FREAK OUT and try to find them but you arrive there at the wrong moment. Then your whole life changes and you drift away from your group of friends, everything just turns to dust and you move on. Years later you remember that person you used to desperately want to be closer to and try to find them and get in touch with them and you SUCCEED. But again, it's too late. It's so late that you just can't go back. Small talk, bad timing..fate? And so you wake up from time to time having flashbacks that only give you heartaches and zero hope.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Let's all burn in heaven.

I don't get it. I HONESTLY don't get it. What is wrong with you people??? 5 more years! FIVE MORE FUCKING YEARS! Do you know what that means? Don't you want a change? Why are you so afraid? Why are you so comfortable? You ignorants! You are just a bunch of lazy ass ignorants! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU with all my grey little heart! I'm starting to truly believe that I was born in the wrong time period. I'm so sorry for my parents. I don't think they'll ever get to live through better times. How can you try to see a bright future in front of you when you're constantly haunted by your home country and the shit that's going on in there. It's not like there's nobody fighting for the right thing, it's just that they don't have enough power to do so. And we don't seem to be confident enough. We're afraid to take chances, to risk. "What's the point? We'll still lose anyway..." Yeah. Nice way of thinking, asshole. I'm sick of feeling sad. But I guess I'll have to get used to this. I think the fact that the world is beautiful is just an illusion. It's just a dream.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I still want you back
RIGHT NOW I don't care about what people look like. I know this won't last long, but it's good that I could somehow bring myself to feeling this way. To stop being so judgmental all the time. It's is suddenly a bit easier..lighter...more positive. I'm ashamed for being so mean all the time. Even though tomorrow I will have forgotten about this feeling, I know that I'll have it kept here in this blog for a while.
BTW, the title DOES have something to do with what I just wrote. It's not about the meaning of the words, but where they come's complicated.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
"Dating an older woman. HOT!"
Apart from that I recently came across another TV series involving vampires. At first I was skeptical, but then I became addicted! It's called The Vampire Diaries and it's made after a series of novels written by L.J. Smith. BTW, these came out before Twilight, but the stories are somewhat similar. Actually no. L.J.'s story is EXTREMELY complicated. Somehow crowded. The 6th novel in this series will be out in March 2010. If you don't live in the US and want to watch the episodes (this week the 7th episode of the 1st season came out), go to .
Here's the extended trailer. It's mostly made out of scenes from the pilot.
I know, it looks boring and sooo last summer but it's not. There are always unexpected things happening.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Lucifer is in my pants but I want Mike Patton instead

I don't think I should be writing/typing stuff in here right now. But I just can't get rid of this feeling that I'm about to lose something, that I'm about to fall hard. It's getting stronger day by day. !!! I'm having panic attacks from seeing that dead house cricket from yesterday in my head! I'm such an IDIOT! And apart from that, I should be focusing on other things right now. I just remembered that Monday in Spanish we were listening to a song and we had to say which picture goes with which verse, etc. and there was this drawing of the face of a guy and on his forehead (as to show what's in his head) was a grasshopper!! Maybe it's a sign. Brrr. Scary. I still want to marry Mike Patton. It's almost November. Joy. I want time to pass. Even though I know that I'm getting closer and closer to the day I'll die. I don't know what I want. Wait I have to finish this assignment. It's ridiculous that I've been working on it for almost 2 hours. COME ON! I'm so slow lately.
E groaznic cand sunt singura in birou!!! Oh, de ce scriu in romana? =))))
Sorry, I'm still trying to learn to switch my brain from German to English directly. I guess it's never going to work. Oh well. Romanian is my #1 love no matter what. One of them. Oh. A colleague of mine is coming to the office. Joy. I think. De fapt prefer sa fiu singura decat sa fiu cu ala aici. In fine. Yeah so I'll stop and get something to drink and think about what I want to eat later. And continue working of course. LALALALA. An "L" person loves me (because it's 12:00 PM). Lucifer. Nice. Lestat. Lucius. Leprechaun. Lesbian. Lawrence. xD
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
WTH should I type in here?
Even though I hate parts of my trip to Romania from last Spring, there are some nice ones that are stuck inside my head. They are so peaceful and beautiful... I morning. It was 6 AM and I couldn't sleep any longer so I turned on my computer and started watching the first season of The City. Ah, how I love sunny mornings! That show made me feel so confident about my future and everyone in it looked so good and was so fashionable and stuff (I know it's typicall for an MTV show, but I'm not focusing on that). And then I started watching The Vampire Knight. It's an anime thingy. I had only watched 2 other animes before: Sailor Moon and something with a volleyball player...let me google it...OH Attack No. 1! Ok, I had no idea. Anyway I was very young back then. Vampire Knight...I LOVED that anime. And the intro songs :))). I want to start watching it again. It takes me back to those pleasant moments... My hair was longer, I was starting to lose weight, and I was very happy because of some random IDIOT (if I see him again, I'll grab the first rock I see and break his teeth with it). Good times. I think I remember that period of time with lightness and postivity because after that I entered this MAJOR depression. I'm still not out of it. FUCK.
I love Italian. No matter what the teacher says to me.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I just heard a woman screaming somewhere outside.

Ok. If you're not in my Facebook friends list, then you're probably thinking that I've died. Which is not far from the truth, but still not so exact. Uni will (officially) start on Monday. Oh how exciting!
In the past 2-3 months I've been working, thinking, reading, smoking, drinking, listening to a lot of avant-garde music and watching amazing and weird ass movies. I'm trying to expand my artistic abilities. That's it really. My place is a mess. Didn't get the chance to clean it up properly in a while. I've been too busy meditating.
00:00 Now I'll be eaten by angry ghosts with long fingernails and white eyes while imaginary blood is dripping from their long white slightly ripped dresses. Oh and they must have wonderful hair. Blonde or black, long, healthy, perfect. And they must have that confident smile on their faces.
I'm gonna go back to my book now. My mom doesn't really approve of me reading books involving Satan and his horde of mighty men and beasts during the night. Oh well. It's not like THAT anyway. It's just a story in another story.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm not part of this world.
I'm not part of this world.
Calm down. It's ok. It's just the beginning.
But I feel like such a loser!
I REALLY need to sit down and think about what I definitely WANT to do in the future. Make a concrete list. Fuck the past, FUCK youth, I don't fucking need all that shit. It's gone forever. My innocence has been flushed down the toilet.
I wonder how I would react if it wouldn't be about the money?
I'm at the beginning of everything. "It's a repeat and it's getting old."
READ READ READ. FUCKING READ. Less than a month left. You HAVE to be one of the best. So be prepared.
I pretty much hate that guy. I'm somehow jealous but at the same time I wouldn't want to work in this branch. So why am I so angry? Oh, money. Right.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Mike Patton movie.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
That wall is in my face - growing
Money instead of happiness
My throat - decay
"It's ok, let's just be friends"
If only I could break your legs and run - laughing.
In everyone lies a boomerang
Waiting to binge and purge mistakes
So spit it out and I...
Well I'll just take a walk in the sea
While the dream is choking me.
Laughing. Darkness. Laughing....wait.
What did I always want?
Since when is the day so short?
Forgot about it all.
I'll let that lifeless face become me.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jurnal din 2004 cand eram metalista adevarata (ceea ce nu inseamna ca parerile pe care le aveam atunci sunt valabile si astazi dar mi se pare amuzant)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Dorian Gray vs. New Moon (these movies have absolutely nothing to do with each other but they're both very important to me atm)
Monday, August 3, 2009
"Somewhere in the attic, there's a picture of you getting prettier."
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Celulita...IN CREIER!
uite snt un baiat kre abia si-a faqt un nou hi5,ink n am apukt sa-mi bag poze p el k s mah sh vezi,da` in curand...
esti din cara?
Imi cer scuze daca jignesc pe cineva, dar ASA LIMBAJ pur si simplu imi da dureri de cap fantastice.
Daca nu as fi romanca, nu cred ca as fi putut intelege nimic din ..... vai, nici nu mai vreau sa analizez asa ceva. Imi vine sa vars. Parca atunci cand eram eu in liceu nu se vorbea/scria CHIAR ASA!!! Mor de nervi. Invatati sa vorbiti ca lumea, ignorantilor! Faceti planeta asta de ras! Idioti din astia sunt peste tot, din pacate.
Friday, June 12, 2009
A new temporary (I think) phobia.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Ma simt ATAT de goala pe dinauntru

Ma gandeam putin mai devreme ca nu mai gasesc rostul vietii. Vietii mele, adica. Trecusem printr-un moment din acela ORIBIL, in care pur si simplu nu poti gasi absolut niciun motiv pentru care ar mai avea rost sa traiesti. Nu spun ca mi-a trecut complet, in continuare ma simt rupta in bucatele si buna de aruncat la gunoi dar macar mi-am amintit ca merita sa traiesti pentru a vedea macar o parte din frumusetile lumii. Atat deocamdata. Cat de ciudat. Credeam ca ajungi sa te simti asa dupa o serie de experiente neplacute si nu dupa o faza scurta si confuza. Sau poate s-au adunat mai multe incet, incet, iar eu nu mi-am dat seama cat de rau o duceam de fapt. Habar n-am. Nu mai pot. Am iesit putin afara si nu puteam sa merg normal si parca imi era frica de oameni, eram paranoica. Sunt un monstru. Imi fac mie rau si le fac si celorlalti rau. Indiferent ce as face. Se inrautateste cu varsta. Totul devine din ce in ce mai negru si oamenii incep sa fie dezamagiti de tine. As vrea sa fiu o piatra de râu.
"One or two is early enough for a person who lies till ten" --NOT
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My favourite quotes from The Picture of Dorian Gray

(...)the worst of having a romance of any kind is that it leaves one so unromantic.
Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.
Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic. Worlds had to be in travail, that the meanest flower might blow...
(...)I would suggest that we should appeal to Science to put us straight. The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of Science is that it is not emotional.
To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies.
Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.
Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
A grande passion is the privilege of people who have nothing to do.
There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up.
People are very fond of giving away what they need most themselves.
To see him is to worship him, to know him is to trust him. (Sybil Vane about Dorian Gray)
'Describe us as a sex,' was her challenge.
'Sphinxes without secrets.'
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hunger Point (watch it! it ruined my life)

I just neeeeeeed to lose 5 kg!!! But I can't stop being lazy!! And what's worse is that in the past few days I've been totally ignorant about the way I look. I mean I didn't look in the mirror to see if I appeared to be fat. And I always do that!!! I don't want to go back to how I used to be in my 1st year here, not caring about my body and what I eat, because I will end up becoming a true psycho like I am right now. I really don't care how many mistakes I make in this blog entry and how many sentences start with "I". Even though I constantly think that I'm fat(It's just a fact for me. I do want to change it but I know that whatever I'll do , this is the way I'll always look if I want to be normal. It's just the way I am. This is my natural form.) I sometimes look in the mirror and see that ACTUALLY I'm not fat at all. Of course, I'm not as skinny as those anorexic celebrities, but in the normal world, I'm average to thin. I mean I have a BMI of 19.9!!! And normal is between 19 and 25 so come on! I'm pretty ok.
Why do I want to be thin? What is wrong? What happened all of a sudden? What triggered all this madness? I know what did, but it's silly...It was JUST A MOVIE!!(Hunger Point) OMG, I can't believe it's been uploaded on Youtube. I feel like crying. I'm going to watch it now.....It's been 3 years since the first time I've seen it. It made such a great impact on my mind!!! It's absurd! I was fascinated with what was happening there. I didn't really understand the whole not eating thing and I didn't know who ED was. Everyone had a diary dedicated to "him"....and those pro ana sites...When I came home (I was in Horezu at that time) I googled "pro ana" and I found some was soooo disturbing. I had chills running down my spine while I was watching those horrifying pictures of BONES and rotting skin. I found all of this repulsive and silly and with absolutely NO SENSE. I didn't get it. But slowly, I started seeing the beauty in's like a bloody virus or something. It's like cigarettes. You hate them at first, but then if you try and try, you can accept them and then they eat you alive. It's exactly like smoking. You know it's unhealthy from the start, but you still do it. You don't get addicted from the very beginning, so why do you keep on going and trying to BECOME that way? Tell me, please, because I can't find an explanation. No. Don't tell me. I already know. It's in our nature anyway. I won't go into detail.
I never got to my goal weight. I'm so disappointed. But I will. You'll all going to see me in August and I'll be dashing. I'll be slender and 10 times more feminine because of that.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What's been bothering me lately

This WILL sound silly. I'm warning you.
Alright, so you all probably know that I've been developing some sort of general hate and feeling of disgust towards men for a while now. And I know that it's just a phase. It will all get back to normal one day. Until then, I must explain what this is all about and what's happening in my feeble brain.
Even though the relationship between men and women has drastically changed in the past 100 years, I'm not sure it's better... Women babble more these days(they used to do that back then as well, but now they do it in front of men too!) and I'm POSITIVE that 99% of the straight men out there don't really want to listen to our inner problems, for they can't understand them, or they simply don't feel the need to do so. I think I would like to live in a world that resembles the interwar period. Good music, good manners, chic clothes, elegant way of speaking and general classiness.
Yes, I know that some men used to cheat on their wives back then too. And that some women used to have affairs with other men. But there was more respect in the air somehow. I don't know. I'm sure I could be convinced that I'm totally wrong. I just feel that I don't belong anywhere and everything makes me sick. Especially thinking about men and their idiotic needs. And don't you DARE say that women have these needs as often and as intense as you do, because that might be true, but only in the world of prostitution and females with hormonal problems.
It's tiring but I can't help myself. Everytime I see an interesting guy, after a few seconds some strange little person appears from out of nowhere and whispers into my ear "Don't be fooled by his appearance, he's a jerk like all the others. If he'd get to know you, he'd only want you as a notch in his bedpost." and I start feeling nauseous and having a panic attack(hmm although I think that one of its symptoms is nausea). When I'm thinking about famous persons, actors for example, I don't see them the same way because I only see their talent. Sure, I'm sometimes saying to myself "Oh, GOD! He's gorgeous!! I'd do him" (of course, I WOULDN'T! I'm frigid right now) but I ...oh, I don't know....I have the impression that most of my favourite actors have pure souls and believe in true love and all those silly little NON EXISTENT facts that so often appear in bed time stories.
It's a never ending conflict with reality and no one will surrender. Reality won't accept your childish dreams and you won't accept all its gruesome sides.
The conclusion?
I should probably occupy my time with lots of things that will spare me from thinking about my innerself.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Vitamine gretoase + mi-as fi dorit sa fie anemie si nu altceva ce include multe calorii
Nu imi place senzatia!!!!
Dar acum stiu din ce cauza e. Ascult Nightwish. Nu am mai ascultat de foarte mult timp. Nightwish cu Tarja, desigur. ultima vreme tot ma dau mare cu faptul ca m-am schimbat si bla bla vrajeli. Acum parca mi-am amintit de unde vin. Cum eram inainte, ce simteam atunci, cum gandeam. Toate sunt cam la fel. Dar am uitat pur si acum doare! Si nu inteleg de ce. Nu ar trebui sa fie asa.
Vreau sa lucrez undeva. Ma plictisesc. Maine imi place ca am doar 2 zile pe sapt.
Nu mai pot sa scriu. M-a luat ameteala. Mananc ca sparta dar am ameteli de vreo 2 zile. Am stat prea mult in fata laptopului. Clar. Gata, fuck you.
PS. Acum imi dau seama ca fraza asta Mananc ca sparta dar am ameteli de vreo 2 zile suna de parca as fi gravida. Poate sunt!!! Chiar daca mi-a venit ciclul acum 2 sapt. =)))
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Frei und noch entspannt....
Oh. Ich muss was essen. Das hat gefehlt hahaha.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Y control
Monday, April 6, 2009
Oh boy.
Life sucks and then you die. Who said that?!?! I would like to punch him/her in the face.
Da vrei ma reprezinta perfect in mom asta. Vreau sa ma dizolv intr-un pahar cu apa...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
In Romania 8
I keep having these silly dreams that have nothing to do with any part of my life or with each other.
I went to see Alexandra yesterday and met a work colleague of hers. It was pretty interesting to talk to him about our mentality and how he sees this country and how he feels here... I'm starting to change my life rhythm so it's always fascinating to remember some not so amusing facts about our wonderful country and its people.
I'm nothing like him (why do all of my paragraphs start with "I" ???!!? Hmm...I really should change that)... I'm not so fond of our traditional food, I don't care about eating meat everyday, I hate lamb meat, I HATE arguing with people on the street/bus/anywhere because I lose my temper pretty quickly and I don't like being mean to people, and I think that's about it. How can you feel better after having idiotic arguments with random people over some insignificant SHIT?!?! What's the point? Really now, do you want to die sooner? Ughghgh. Annoying.
In other news...umm Andreea is coming to Bucharest!! Yay!
I'm hungry. I'm gonna go eat some dead animals.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In Romania 7
"No one should listen to you." I can't take this anymore. I feel like screaming. I didn't see all this so complicated. Everything had a good end. I try this, it doesn't work out well, it's ok, I'll just try something else. It shouldn't be the end of the world. But the way he SAYS really breaks my heart. I just...I want to go back to Düsseldorf. I like being alone sometimes. I need that right now. Actually I don't want to be alone. I just don't want to be with my parents. Apart from the mean things my dad sometimes tells me, I know that my mom is worried because of the life I'm living atm. Oh well, fuck it :).
I have to go meet my friend at her workplace. A little distraction is EXACTLY what I need right now. But I'm still so tired. I've slept 13 hours since yesterday. That's too much. Like I said. I'm pretty much fucked up right now. And for NO GOOD REASON at ALL.
I don't know what to say. I have my happy moments in between but then I start worrying about them too! Damn it :). It will all work out well in the end though, I'm sure. No one has ever died from things like these before. My body is still trying to fix itself from those stupid antibiotics. And the lack of sleep. And alcohol. And cigarettes. Yeah. So...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In Romania 6 : Mor? =)
I ADORE the Killers. :))))) Nothing new. Bla bla. Nu stiu ce sa ziiiiic. Pt ca am multe de zis dar nu pot sa scriu. Nu vreau sa stie toata lumea. Dar as vrea sa get it off my chest. Destiny is calling me xD
Il vreau pe Edward. Forever and ever and ever and ever. De ce nu exista asa ceva?! Nah, habar n-am. URASC situatiile de genul asta. He takes off her dress now..let me go....... Ufi pufi.
Da, de fapt vroiam sa zic ca urasc situatiile previzibile. De fapt nu era nimic previzibil. Pfff nu pot sa ma exprim deloc!!! Mi-e frica pentru ca nu vreau sa ajunga sa imi placa prea mult de el. Sunt egoista, stiu, dar chiar nu vreau sa sufar. Parca tot nu pot avea incredere in el. Ma rog, il stiu de 2 zile hahahhahaha. Ce ciudat!!!!!! WTF?! Daca stau bine sa ma gandesc...Da. Nu inteleg nimic. Totul se misca prea repede. Si in general, cand se misca repede, e de scurta durata. *sniff* INCERC sa fiu optimista! Dar mi-e din ce in ce mai greu. Nu am mancat azi. Nici nu prea am baut apa. Ma simt asa ciudat. LMFAO sunt indragostita. Nah. Nu cred ca sunt. Ar fi stupid din partea mea sa ma simt asa dupa doar doua zile. Right? :-s
Trebuie sa-mi fac bagajul. O sa fie interesant. Nu vrea sa iasa din creierul meu!!! AAA nu mai suport! Chiar ma intristeaza chestia asta. *sigh*
Friday, March 20, 2009
In Romania 5 : Hmm
Drama, baby, drama. :)))
Thursday, March 19, 2009
In Romania 4 : LUV
I don't know why. I mean I know why but it's weird. I was sooo sad and I decided to call Stefan because I didn't answer his calls the past few days (yeah, I'm an asshole, I know :< ) and he asked me if I wanted to go out with him and his sister and some friends of hers and some people from other countries and I'm so happy to be able to do something else than just watch TV or something like that. That sounds so sad. I can go out every day if I want to, but yeah, I just didn't. I needed some kind of break from the outside world. I wanted to spend some quality time with my dear parents. But now I need some time to socialize. I missed going to a club and dancing and acting like an idiot around people I don't know so well. I LOVE the Killers. They complete my life atm.
Lalallalala. I don't know what to tyyype I just feel like singing along(I'm listening to the Killers) and dancing. I can't wait to get dressed and make myself pretty. I've missed that too. Spending hours in front of the mirror getting mad for not being able to pull out an awesome make-up and then looking at the whole package and thinking OMG I look fat like this. Bleah. Hmm whatever. No one will think that way. And if I'm a fun person, it's gonna be a good distraction from my chubby areas. Having a bigger ass is good for boys xDDD. OK I'm not always thinking that way. I'm exaggerating. But I've missed being ready to go out and thinking. Wow. I look better than usual now.
I need to upgrade my mood. Make it hyper happy. I'm almost there. But I can't really act the way I want because my parents will think that I'm WEIRD and abnormally excited. But in Germany I would dance and do my warm-up. Sort of. YAY I'm gonna wear high heels. I've missed that too.
I love Lady Gaga as well. I love her songs. But the club I'm going to won't play music like this. SADLY. It's gonna be boring house music. The one no one's ever heard of. People can't dance too well to music they don't know. It's those songs you just ADORE that you start woo-ing and dancing like a rockstar to. Those are the songs that make you sparkle like Edward Cullen in the sunlight hahahahha. Without the sound effect.
Can't read my can't read my no he can't read my poker face.... lallalalallalalallalallla
In afara de asta nu prea vreau sa spun nimic. Nu incerc sa sustin niciun punct de vedere, nu vreau sa demonstrez ceva, nu vreau sa faca si altii ca mine, nu ma intereseaza. Fiecare traieste cum vrea. Astept sa imi treaca starea asta inutila. Ce rost are sa analizezi viata si soarta si toata chestiile astea complicate sau simple, depinzand de felul in care te simti pe moment.
Vreau sa fiu o vaca. Dar sa am norocul sa duc o viata cat de cat placuta. Ba nu. Vreau sa fiu o pisica. Macar asa stiu sigur ca nu o sa fiu crescuta de cineva care o sa aiba de gand sa ma taie sau sa ma mulga.
Dar nu vreau sa mor!! Imi amintesc cand eram oarecum dependenta de Myspace si il gasisem pe Jake Gyllenhaal(era profilul lui oficial, dar cred ca a fost sters acum, nu stiu) si era acolo la how do you want to die si el I DON'T WANNAAA! Asta era cand Heath Ledger inca mai traia. Si avea si el un profil dar evident, si ala a fost sters. Cine mai intra pe Myspace?! Da, imi pare rau.
Imi pare foarte rau. Ascult Hope si incerc sa nu ma gandesc ca o sa fie concert Anathema in Bucuresti. Daca ma gandesc la asta, turbez. Urlu, plang, ma dau cu capul de pereti si rup multe foi. I wanted to live forever. Mi-e somn. Ma culc putin.
Nu e chiar asa de rau. Ma simt mai bine acum. A trecut ceva timp(cateva minute/ore). Era normal sa imi revin.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
In Romania 2
I felt strange today while I was in the car with dad. As I observed new shops and stuff on the boulevard, I had a super strong feeling of deja vu. It was like 12th grade all over again. I was feeling spring the way I used to 2 years ago. And I was thinking of Mihnea. I think about him too much since I've come home. Gah. I even have dreams about him sometimes. How frustrating. I'm sure most of the things I feel and imagine are exaggerated. Haha well at least it's like dreaming of a movie star or a fictional character. They all have a simple mortal root. So there's no difference there. Writing that, I'm feeling better. I was getting a bit worried. I don't know if I make sense anymore because the music I'm listening to is too loud and I can't concentrate at all. I can't hear my thoughts.
Finished Eclipse. It was such a wise decision to re-read the books. I feel like I'm reading them for the first time. First time I've skipped lots of parts because I was too anxious to find out what was going to happen next and if Bella would finally be turned into a vampire and bla bla and then Jacob appeared and I was like ew, he's a wolf man. He must smell funny. Dogs smell. LMFAO. But now I paid more attention and I don't have anything against him anymore. I wuv him too. Not as much as the lovely and perfect Edward, but he's important as well.
I'm gonna marry this song. "Spaceman" - The Killers
Oh look! A chewing gum. Yesterday I got hit by revelations from all directions. It was too much. I thought I was gonna explode. This world is too crowded with ideas and already invented things. Too many books, too much music, too many other things that YOU and I will never ever know because we don't have time! EEEEK!
OMG really now, if there's a thing out there that is immortal and can make people immortal as well, PLEASE contact me! I BEG YOU! I don't want to die too soon.
Leaving that aside, I might start going on a different path. I just have to figure out what suits me best. I should talk to Hiltscher. He was pretty disappointed when I told him that I wanted to study economics. What would he want me to study? Life is too short to regret failing at stuff. Fuck it. As long as I didn't TRULY waste my time living on the couch and eating FAT it was somehow worth it.
I feel like typing the lyrics that I'm hearing. Grrr. Annoying. *sigh* I was thinking about Robert Pattinson looking all OMG ok I won't say anything about him. I'm not a weird psycho twimom or something. Ew. Mom. I don't want to know who the father of my children will be. I hope he'll be gorgeous. And immortal. LMFAO. Yeah, he'll def be immortal. Duh. Pff. I'm such an idiot.
I wanna be like Alice. No. I'll never be like her. Because it's physically impossible. I'm like a freakin handicapped horse compared to her. I'm too tall and too fat to be like her and I'm not gracious AT ALL. And I can't dance. And I'm lazy. I don't want to be like anyone. Because I can't :(. OH but I can!
Don't judge! Let me have my moments. I just LOVE them. I love to obsess over someone for a short period of time and try to be like them until I get bored. And then I think it all gets mixed up and I end up being myself over and over again.
I'm sleepy and I need to pee.
PS. Oh, I LOVE Benny Kieckhäben!!! <3333 (He's gay, btw. No one has replaced Edward Cullen yet, don't worry.)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
In Romania 1
I've started re-reading New Moon 48 hours ago. Still got half of it to read. So depressing. No matter how often I read the break-up part, I can't keep myself from crying and feeling all left alone in this world. Ha ha, I KNOW, I'm a very sensitive person.
I can't wait to go to the grocery store tomorrow. I love to see if there's anything new on the shelves. Yeah, it's been like 2 months since I've been here but I have the impression it's been longer than that. I will never feel that the time is constant. I guess that's as normal as pooping. Everyone feels it differently. OK, I could have compared it to something else, but I'm trying to be serious here, mmkay?
Every paragraph starts with "I". Not this one!!! I found my old journals. Didn't have to look hard for them. I mean I've always known where they were, but w/e. I was curious to remember what I was thinking/doing while I was 17-18. I remember the way I used to look back then. UGH! When will I find MY personal style?
Yeah. Nothing special in there. 17- Germany, a bit of frustration because of Sergiu, 18- Pro Ana and lots of Germany. Then I left home and winded up in this mess called present.
I really didn't want to know who I kissed at the New Years party. I think I'm starting to feel sick again. Now that I wrote this, well typed it, I realize what it sounds like. When I heard it from my friend, I was like yeah whatever, it happens. We're young and like to get drunk and pass out from time to time. But NOW I see that it looks like desperation. It's like seeing a 30 yr old lady making out with any guy at a party because she hasn't got a boyfriend. EUGH. That isn't really my case, but I just imagine the story like that. That is so sad. I feel OLLLLD and wrinkly. I'm gonna die soon and regret it. Or not. Bla bla. No but really, I'm getting older. I hate it to death.
I want Ray Ban sun glasses. Before they get old fashioned. My dad indirectly told me that I'm a fat ass. How I missed that. At least I'm kinda moving my ass now a bit and trying to put some muscle on my arms and abs.
Had Robert Pattinson's Never Think on repeat for a while now. Let's change it to something more umm dunno. Maybe I should listen to Van Morrison. But not now. Empire of the Sun. BETTER. My hair is messy and I think it stinks from yesterday evening. The pubs here are SO HORRIBLE and they all smell like HELL's ass. Really, now. It's like ppl have been smoking towards those couches and walls without opening one window/door for 30 years. It's scary. And then the next day you smell like death. Ok your body is easier to wash, but your clothes!! That takes time! You have to wait for them to dry and you can't wear them twice if your planning on going out. Hmm. Maybe before going out you should make sure that the clothes you're gonna wear are extremely musty like this is the last time you're gonna wear them cause they're so horribly dirty and smell like bed and dead skin. Who reads this is gonna think I never wash my clothes. Or myself.
I have to wait 5 hours for that movie to download. How come?!?! I was hoping for like 2 hours....I keep having the weirdest dreams ever since I've returned to my home land. I'm dreaming of going to school with various Twilight actors and stuff like that....dreams that generally include the cast of Twilight and some scenes from the books. It's maddening. I'm afraid I might be going mental. But I'm behaving normally. Yes. I am VERY normal. At least I don't talk in my sleep. That would have SUCKED big time.
Yeah OH I remembered I wanted to check someone's blog. I'm suddenly so bored. My eyes hurt. It's been a week since I've spent so much time in front of a computer.
See ya
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A little update
A few days ago I received my Twilight books all the way from the U.S.. They're SOOOOOOO pretty!!! And with hard covers (lovely). I can't wait for Rodica to read Breaking Dawn. She's gonna buy it tomorrow after her exam :D. That's the first thing she'll do immediately after leaving the campus. LOL.
I'm gonna fly to Romania on February 21st. After landing safely, going home, blah blah-ing with my parents and probably munching on some healthy/unhealthy stuff I'm gonna FORCE my parents to accompany me to the movies(Twilight, obv)!!! My dad will be up for it, no doubt. Mom will probably complain a bit at first, saying that she's not in the mood for going out, but just like me, she's a sucker for super romantic chick flicks not necessarily with a twist. After that, GOD knows what I'll do. Probably go skiing for a few days if it's snowy. That should be entertaining.
I observe that I express myself differently when I'm positive and sadness free. This is the OTHER me :). The one you briefly talk to on the street.
For the first time in my life I bought a pack of RED Dunhills. Apparently these are the ORIGINAL ones. Like the first ones that appeared on the market. Of course, the image and design of the pack has changed in time. They have huge packs of these in stores. Amazing. More than 24 cigs = WHOA. I sound like a weird addict. Thank God I'm not talking about drugs or alcohol.
I was planning to buy beer and get wasted by myself after the exam. BAD IDEA. So I didn't do it. That would have been so STUPID.
But what matters to me NOW is tomorrow(today) night! PARTYYYY! With no second thoughts such as "oh god, i gotta get outta here quickly, i have to study, jeese, i've had too much alcohol, my head will hurt tomorrow. i'm wasting my time. omg what's with that guy? blah". JOY! I'll finally YAY Lady Gaga on the radio. LUV. Yeah I'll finally get to have fun FOR REAL. And FINALLY meet that guy, what's his name? WHatever. He's from uni and studies with us but I dunno. I don't hang out with everyone. I should ask that other guy to come with us. Hmmm. He's online right now. Or wait. He was like an hour ago. He's still on but BUSY. Damn. What should I do??? I'm not gonna go into detail, 'cause all that is private atm. :D
Soooooooooo the Spanish teacher sent me a video he made in class. It's with me and Pascal reading some stuff about "our own radio station". GAY. But it's fun for the memories collection box. I'll just throw it in there and accidentally find it after 10 years and think "OMG where was my confidence back then?! Uhh what's with the black clothes?! I look like a weird dead thing. Thank God the light was yellow. I bet I was pale as well. Pff I'm lucky to have this fake Californian tan on me right now. " OK, all except for the last part with the tan.
I'm getting tired. I should continue reading/go to bed.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Am realizat mai devreme ca nu ma mai inteleg cu mama prea bine. Bine, niciodata nu am avut prea multe in comun si ne-am tot certat dar acum parca ma afecteaza mai mult. Stiu ca e greu sa comunici pe net cu anumite persoane. Pur si simplu NU MERGE. Te enervezi mereu. Dar aici e altceva. Mereu e atenta la tot felul de chestii care o intereseaza pe moment si cand e din nou atenta la mine ma intreaba daca m-am trezit de dimineata ca sa invat si daca am invatat si sa invat si bla bla bla. Aceeasi faza mereu. Si ma streseaza foarte tare. Incerc sa o inteleg si sa ma pun in locul ei, dar...ahhh ma-sa. Cred ca trebuie sa fac vreo terapie ceva. Sunt asa nervoasa acum! Mi-e cald.
Deschid geamul, nu mai suport. Acum ar putea intra lilieci in camera sau alte fiinte zburatoare. Sinistru. Daca ar intra, primul lucru de care s-ar izbi ar fi bratul meu stang sau capul meu. Foarte sinistru. Da. Si idiotul ala....CUM ISI PERMITE SA MA ATINGA in general?!?!?! Nu te cunosc destul de bine, NU MA ATINGI, clar? Mai ales daca ai intentia sa imi dai una "amiceste". Du-te-n pizda ma-ti, n-am chef sa iti mutilez fata aia cretina pt ca ma murdaresc pe urma.
Ma scuzati. Sunt cam frustrata, cred. Ma irita treaba cu mama. Cu tata vorbesc in fiecare zi si mereu e interesant. Discutam, e atent la mine. Ma asculta, si il ascult si eu la randul meu. Totul decurge NORMAL. Dar cu mama de nicio culoare. Pfoai cat ma intristeaza chestia asta. Imi vine sa plang. Si nu stiu ce sa fac acum ca mi-am amintit de cursurile alea tampite de Präsentation und Kommunikation. De ce ma-sa au fost puse in martie??? Si de ce pt ca numele meu incepe cu N, trebuie sa vin o data la inceputul lunii, si altadata la sfarsit??? Si ceilalti vin normal, doua zile la rand sau asa. Adica trebuie sa-mi sacrific toata vacanta pt jegul asta?!?!?! Iubesc melodia asta. Human. Mi-e frig si cald. Imi vine sa urlu la monitor :)). Ultima oara cand m-am simtit asa era dupa ce am vorbit cu sclava aia de la Human Resources. Ba nu. Atunci eram complet distrusa si determinata sa ma tai cu primul obiect ascutit care era la indemana. It never gets old. Cred ca as fi in stare sa ma tai non stop. Frate. Nu e bine. Daca indrazneste care sa-mi zica EMO, ii spintec fata. Daca vreti sa ma faceti ceva de genul asta, folositi un cuvant mai clasic, da? Nu cum e cretinitatea aia de "chill" sau mai stiu eu ce cuvant idiot care nici macar nu e CORECT in limba din care provine. Adica sensul care ii e dat in prezent nu e corect.
:(((((((((((((((((( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
New York o suge bine, sunt sigura. Ma refer la gagica aia idioata de pe MTV care a ajuns vedeata de la emisiunea aia retardata, Flavor of Love nush cat. Ala nu o sa-si gaseasca o femeie niciodata, la cat de borat e. Lasa-te bai, ca nu vrea nimeni sa-ti vada mecla obosita la televizor. Si cu stilul ala vestimentar, poti sa te arunci singur la gunoi.
"Halt die Klappe und blute!". Pffff. Ce panarama. Replica de doi bani. Nici nu vreau sa ma uit la filmul ala. Urasc filmele cu gagici care se dau mari luptatoare. Siiiiiiiiiigur ca o slabatura de 1,60 poate face praf 7 barbati de doua ori cat ea si luptatori profesionisti. Lasa-ti-ma cu vrajelile astea.
Cred ca daca as vedea un vampir acum, i-as da o palma si m-as duce sa ma culc. Nu scriu de ce, sunt prea multe chestii de spus dar acum chiar m-am saturat de ei. Ce e mai departe de Twilight nu imi place. Nu ar fi trebuit sa ma uit si la altceva. Twilight e exact pe gustul meu. Restul ma deprima incredibil de mult. Ce ma-sa e asta? Jackass? Vai, ce idioti. Imi si imaginez ce fete au nemtii care se uita la asa ceva. Toti arata la fel. LOL, Michael Jackson. Cand e un ipse sau el, nu stiu si pune mana pe trunchiul unui copac si pe urma din partea cealalta e unul cu o sabie si vrea sa ii taie mana =))))))))))))))). Aia a fost secventa pe care am vazut-o cand am schimbat canalul. O mana pe un copac si pe urma o sabie din partea cealalta si cum ala isi trage mana. Si pe urma Michael rupandu-si sufletul pe-acolo cu flacari si explozii si cutremure in spate. Si oameni chinuiti de soarta. Aia are haine rupte si jegoase pe ea, dar are cercei frumosi =)))))))))) Cum?!?!?!?
Ok, par idioata. Paaaa
If this isn't Ana, atunci nu stiu pe ce lume traiesc.

In poza: Kristen Johnston
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Now that's not a good thing to be.
I am somehow eager for the cold days to come, even though I'm aware of the fact that I have no proper clothes to keep me warm. Life and death, life and death, all the time. Oh, just make me immortal and stop messing around with my brain when I need to focus on the details of my existence on this fascinating planet.
I need to learn indifference, but I don't have time for that. 50 years are not enough. 50 years, if I'm lucky and sane.
I remember when I was little, I would cry before going to sleep and begging for my life to be taken away from me. I didn't want to accept the fact that I would grow old and die. I still don't want to accept it. I guess I never will. Who knows? We change our opinions all the time. Sometimes we love life and want to see the world and love and laugh and all those cheesy things and sometimes we hate everything and just want to die. Of course, we exaggerate and say things like "Oh, I wish someone would shoot me, stab me, beat me up to death, cut my head off, slaughter me, etc.", but I really think that anyone that suddenly wants to die, would prefer having a peaceful and short death, rather than a slow, painful one.
Ok, these thoughts and remarks are morbid. Nothing good for me there.
I want Edward Cullen to have wild sex with me. WHAT?! NO, ok no. Sorry. Because when I think about it, if that were to happen, I wouldn't last for max. 5 minutes. He would break my bones in a second and I would instantly be dead. No fun in there. So what I would really want would be to have wild sex with a human, that's exactly like Edward Cullen, or a vampire like him, that would agree to make me like him and bla bla bla bla bla bla. I'm a bit embarrassed now. Am I THAT desperate about him?
I was always fascinated by vampires, although I was always afraid of how complicated it would be to be one. But ever since reading those stupid Stephenie Meyer books, I've gone crazy. It's like all of a sudden, all vampires are nice creatures that might want to kill you but it's not that bad, because they have feelings too and they can fall in love with human beings. Well maybe they can, but what are the chances?!?!? Giving a vampire human feelings is very touchy, but not very realistic. We always love what we can't have.
So I'll stop typing and go back to my so-called reality:
"I'm hungry. I think I might eat something. No. I shouldn't. I'll get fat. You've seen those people in InTouch. Ana could be your friend. No. That's silly. Because when you start, you can't quit. I don't want that. Ok, maybe I'll eat something. But not too much. Oh look! I've lost 1kg! Great. That means i won't eat too much today. I have to study. Right, I'm going to my desk now and I'm going to study all day. What's on TV today? Oh, my favorite show! Joy. This will motivate me to study until then. Is there something new on HI5/Facebook/StudiVZ/YouTube/other annoying useless site? No...blah, everything is so boring. I should go look in the mirror. Does my face look thinner? Maybe if I suck my cheeks in a bit. Yeah, that looks good. Oh, look at my belly. Pfff I'm sure with sport it would go away but I'm too lazy. Sod it. I'll just continue eating less. TV is full of "How to lose weight if you're a fat-ass" shows. I hate you all. When is March going to be here? When is the New Moon trailer going to come out? I hate being patient. I should occupy my time with something else. When are my books going to be here? I have to do my Spanish homework. The exam results in French will be out the day after tomorrow. No joy. Will I get that job? What will happen if I do? I think I would like to smoke now. Cigarettes are so expensive. I don't know. Maybe I should drink another coffee. I forgot to take my vitamins today. It's so sunny outside. Maybe I should go out on the balcony and see if everything's alright in there. Maybe not. I have to go buy some food. But what do I want to eat? Except for stupid unhealthy things. Not much. Maybe the new ELLE is interesting. No, it's not. Let's see if there's a magazine here that has an article about Twilight or Robert Pattinson. Here's one about anorexia. That will do. I'm now going to go back home, eat something and then study. Good plan. If I were to be a vampire, would I be beautiful? I wish I would be one. But then it wouldn't be certain that I'll meet someone I'd fall in love with and be with forever and ever! I'd probably be alone all the time and learn to accept the fact that everyone will die. Maybe I'd turn Rodica into a vampire too. That would be comforting. I'd still like to become one. But only when I turn 25. I'd probably be extremely sad not to be able to have children. I'm really hungry now. I should get dressed. Is today saturday? Hmm tomorrow will be Harry Potter 3 on TV. Seen it a hundred times but it's more fun than any other stupid show that will be on at that hour."
Random thoughts, but 100% true.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It didn’t go smoothly. I somehow managed to hit myself in the head with my racket and clip Mike’s shoulder on the same swing. Then, I clunked Michelle on the back of the head, providing a wonderful concussion, which in the same forward motion over-extended my arm, pulling a muscle, which caused me to swing backwards, providing a graceful set of bruises to Marvin. As I jerked forwards again so as to not fall backwards from the motion, I made a circular swing and knocked three other classmates unconscious, the power of this swoosh causing me to backpedal ferociously, knocking wildly into Harry, Jeremy, Megan, Fiona and Paula, knocking them all out cold. Centrifugal force then caused me to go flying again, slamming the end of the racket into George, Jamie, Tyler, Ashley, Christopher, Minnie, Todd, Shamika, Keisha, Zahra, Shonda, Sabrina, Krista, Daronda, Theresa, and Felicia, among others, before I finally landed at the feet of Coach Clapp.
Honest, officer. That’s what happened.”
“You have the whole day off, right? The bloodsucker won’t be home yet.”
I glared at him.
“No offense intended,” he said quickly.
“Eat toads!” I said, spinning on my heels and pushing Jacob into the ocean, where he was attacked by piranhas and crabs.
I loved how casual this sentence was:
Afternoons were the hardest part of my day. Ever since my former best friend (and werewolf), Jacob Black, had informed me about the motorcycle I’d been riding [...]
Alternate version:
Afternoons were the hardest part of my day. Ever since my former best friend (and green singing frog), Kermit, had informed me that my fly-repellant was ruining his chances of decent dinners [...]
Monday, January 26, 2009
Twilight e o carie care imi roade creierul.
De ce ma ia somnul de fiecare data cand planuiesc sa scriu ceva aici? Da, prefer sa scriu de mana. Sunt prea batrana. Deja incep sa imi fac griji legate de viitor, de cariera...s-a terminat. Nu o sa mai retraiesc copilaria niciodata. Copilaria, adolescenta, nu stiu. Timpul petrecut alaturi de parinti, cand ei erau preocupati de viata ta.
Timpul potrivit sa te indragostesti pentru prima data. Daca ai ratat momentul, pa. Sigur, te poti indragosti oricand, dar nu o sa mai fie niciodata la fel. Cand esti adult, totul e complicat si trebuie sa ai in vedere consecintele.
Il vreau pe Edward!!! Nu ma mai pot ascunde. Sunt nebuna, asta e. Mai am vreo 40 de pagini si se termina manuscriptul de la Midnight Sun. Ma face sa imi amintesc de fiecare faza din celelalte carti. Nu pot sa scap de ele. NU POT! Sunt inconjurata de povestea asta. E peste tot! Am un gol in piept, sau undeva pe-acolo. Lecitina ingrasa? Intentionez sa slabesc. MULT. Dar nu ma descurc mai deloc. Ahhhh cand o sa incep sa fac ceea ce imi propun?!?! Ce am patit? Ce dracu vrea Daniel ala? Ce fraier. Si cica imi daduse Einladung la nu stiu ce grupa tampita pe StudiVZ. Numele ei suna cam asa tradus "Uneori pierdem si alteori castiga altii." !!!!!!!!! POFTIM!??!? Cum a indraznit sa imi dea Einladung la asa o grupa pt fraieri?! Cum adica alteori castiga altii?! Pfff. Ce loser. Cu mentalitatea asta cred si eu ca s-a carat de la facultate. Sau habar nu am ce face acum. As putea sa il intreb dar nu vreau ca el sa ma intrebe cum o mai duc.
Abia astept sa-mi iau cartile in engleza. Daca nu era tata, nu mi le luam deloc. El a insistat. Ce dragut din partea lui!!! Nu-mi vine sa cred. Mda. Edward...Mi s-a infundat nasul. Frustrant.
Bine, acum trebuie sa citesc mai departe. Dar e atat de romantic deja. Indragosteala din aia brusca. Ce fraieri ieri prin cluburi. Okokokok. PA
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Anfangslied/ Titellied – Oomph! - My Soubrette
Aufwachszene – Paradise Lost - Desolate
Ein gewöhnlicher Tag – Claude Vonstroke + Alex Gaudino feat Crystal Waters – The Whistler + Destination Calabria (Acappella)
„Sich Verlieben“-Szene – The Hoosiers – Worried About Ray
Das erste Date/ zusammen essen – Babyshambles – Carry Up In The Morning
Kampf Szene – Edith Piaf – La Vie en Rose
Grausamer Tod – Oi Polloi – Nuclear Waste
Nervenzusammenbruch – The Flashbulb – Alice's Garden
Ernster Monolog – Carter Burwell – The Lion Fell In Love With the Lamb
„Flashback“ / Rückblende Szene - Paradise Lost – No Forgiveness
Fahr-Szene – Mika – Happy Ending
Party – Shanadoo – Think About
Kuss-Szene – Nightwish – Sacrament of Wilderness
Eine lange einsame Nacht – POD - Alive
Ende-Lied – My Dying Bride – A doomed Lover
Da, deci aici trebuie sa alegi melodii pt un soundtrack, dar nu oricum, ci bagand toate melodiile pe care le ai in computer intr-un program cu ajutorul caruia le poti asculta, dai Shuffle si there you go.