Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In Romania 2

OMG I'm going to my high school tomorrow! I'm SO excited. I hope it's going to be sunny...and that Alex will come with me. If that doesn't happen, it's gonna SUCK. OMGOMG :D

I felt strange today while I was in the car with dad. As I observed new shops and stuff on the boulevard, I had a super strong feeling of deja vu. It was like 12th grade all over again. I was feeling spring the way I used to 2 years ago. And I was thinking of Mihnea. I think about him too much since I've come home. Gah. I even have dreams about him sometimes. How frustrating. I'm sure most of the things I feel and imagine are exaggerated. Haha well at least it's like dreaming of a movie star or a fictional character. They all have a simple mortal root. So there's no difference there. Writing that, I'm feeling better. I was getting a bit worried. I don't know if I make sense anymore because the music I'm listening to is too loud and I can't concentrate at all. I can't hear my thoughts.

Finished Eclipse. It was such a wise decision to re-read the books. I feel like I'm reading them for the first time. First time I've skipped lots of parts because I was too anxious to find out what was going to happen next and if Bella would finally be turned into a vampire and bla bla and then Jacob appeared and I was like ew, he's a wolf man. He must smell funny. Dogs smell. LMFAO. But now I paid more attention and I don't have anything against him anymore. I wuv him too. Not as much as the lovely and perfect Edward, but he's important as well.

I'm gonna marry this song. "Spaceman" - The Killers

Oh look! A chewing gum. Yesterday I got hit by revelations from all directions. It was too much. I thought I was gonna explode. This world is too crowded with ideas and already invented things. Too many books, too much music, too many other things that YOU and I will never ever know because we don't have time! EEEEK!

OMG really now, if there's a thing out there that is immortal and can make people immortal as well, PLEASE contact me! I BEG YOU! I don't want to die too soon.

Leaving that aside, I might start going on a different path. I just have to figure out what suits me best. I should talk to Hiltscher. He was pretty disappointed when I told him that I wanted to study economics. What would he want me to study? Life is too short to regret failing at stuff. Fuck it. As long as I didn't TRULY waste my time living on the couch and eating FAT it was somehow worth it.

I feel like typing the lyrics that I'm hearing. Grrr. Annoying. *sigh* I was thinking about Robert Pattinson looking all OMG ok I won't say anything about him. I'm not a weird psycho twimom or something. Ew. Mom. I don't want to know who the father of my children will be. I hope he'll be gorgeous. And immortal. LMFAO. Yeah, he'll def be immortal. Duh. Pff. I'm such an idiot.

I wanna be like Alice. No. I'll never be like her. Because it's physically impossible. I'm like a freakin handicapped horse compared to her. I'm too tall and too fat to be like her and I'm not gracious AT ALL. And I can't dance. And I'm lazy. I don't want to be like anyone. Because I can't :(. OH but I can!

Don't judge! Let me have my moments. I just LOVE them. I love to obsess over someone for a short period of time and try to be like them until I get bored. And then I think it all gets mixed up and I end up being myself over and over again.

I'm sleepy and I need to pee.



PS. Oh, I LOVE Benny Kieckhäben!!! <3333 (He's gay, btw. No one has replaced Edward Cullen yet, don't worry.)

1 comment:

  1. uau,cred ca m-ar consuma destul de tare sa scriu in engleza,sau mai fi extrem de seaca in limbaj,mi-as da eventual silinta fara niciun fel de rezultat,cel putin satisfacator.da nu e cazu' sa amintesc despre asta.tu te descurci destul de bine :-D.da bine...recunosc;:prefer sa citesc in romana,nu neaparat ca mi-ar fi mai la indemana,dar in viziunea mea e mult mai inteligibil,si mai uman.cel putin asa imi suna mie
    cand vii pe la cluj ? din FB,blog am inteles ca pana pe 01.04 esti in Ro.
    incerci sa recuperezi,huh? :> adica sa vezi multi oameni/locuri in perioade cat mai scurte,in cazu' tau vroia a fi un fel de gluma,dupa cum am avut niciodata un simt al umorului,nici macar o urma timida de-a lui :)).
    sa povestesti ce ai facut,pe unde ai fost.bineinteles,in limita in care vrei :-D
    te imbratisez
