Aloxa's New Years' Costume Party. Morticia. The first time I got REALLY drunk and lost my conscience and had to throw up O_O. And I kissed a random guy, although I was 100% sure that I didn't! Oh boy. I loved the next morning. Relaxed, nice sincere talk with my best friend. I miss her so much. I wish we could talk more but distance is a problem no matter what. Then I came back home to Düsseldorf and had to study for my last chance exam. Nothing special, I was drifting apart from my friends.
My last encounter with Economics. Fucked everything up. Went to Romania at the end of the month. Nothing special.
Still in Romania. I think it's a general rule that the most awesome things happen at the end of something. When you're about to leave. I was getting closer to the darkest period of my life. So this month was the BEST until December. I went out a lot, especially in El Comandante. Stefan introduced me to some germans. One of them was more interesting to me. Bla bla whatevs. I really liked him. But I was thinking too far. I'm a pretty realistic person but in this case I thought "hey, if you feel something, let it out! Don't analyse everything! Just go with the flow!". Bad idea :D. Oh and before that I met lots of nice people.
First 4 days, awesome. The rest... TONS of cigarettes, alcohol. Oh, and I was by myself while consuming all of that. Blood and a new road. What to do? English and Art History. Perfection. The only problem was that I could only start studying A.H. in October. So I took some English courses (Grammar, Translation, Literature, etc.). Tooootally different people there. And hundreds of girls. Met some nice people but it was difficult. It was hard to make new friends at that time. They were all in the 2nd semester and they already knew each other. The groups were already formed. There was only ONE cute guy there. From the ones that studied English. But I was 100% sure that he would never ever ever ever talk to me.
I was desperately looking for a job. The problem is that not only am I picky when it comes to boys, I'm picky about every fucking thing on this planet. So no degrading jobs (I'm not talking about prostitution, OBV. There are other jobs that make you feel like total shit and you KNOW you're smarter than that and that you could do so much better). No luck with that and I only went to uni 2 days a week. The rest was filled with the magnificent and productive act of wasting time.
The summer time was approaching! I could only think about my wonderful summer vacation that I would spend in Romania. Same routine. Going to uni, doing nothing, playing music from time to time, watching my hair grow and trying to lose weight. The last part isn't something new. At the end of the month a consulting company contacted me and asked me to come to an interview. I was in total shock. Firstly, because I never thought that I would get such a chance and secondly because I knew that if I started working, I wouldn't be able to stay in Romania for a longer period of time than 10 days.
At the beginning of the month nothing, then work! To be honest this job was the best thing that happened to me this year. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. Bla bla, nothing special, next.
Exam, good grade,joy. Went to Romania for 10 days. Went to the seaside, stayed in 2Mai. It was very relaxing. Vama Veche wasn't as awesome as it was a year before, nothing will ever top that. That's a lie. I have no idea what will happen in the future. Met some weird people, I was pissed off most of the time. Yay for me. Met with Ale, I miss her again. Why do all people make the same mistakes? I mean girls with guys. You meet a guy, he drives you crazy, you can't keep your hands off him but he has a girlfriend. He's a jerk because he makes you feel like YOU are the one and not her but that's obviously not true. He'll go back to her. It's just that he's going through a weird time in his relationship and wants to clear his mind somehow. So he finds comfort in little you and breaks your heart. Fuck em. Just be careful next time and don't get fooled so easily. "It's a repeat and it's getting old".
Hmm, what the hell happened in September? Apart from work. Nothing? I guess so. I know that I was eagerly waiting for uni to start. I was super excited.
UNI! New people, chaos, not so awesome :/. I loved the things I learned there, still love them. Fascination. Went out sometime, met this weird guy in Pretty Vacant, Eisenhart! Cool name, huh? =)))
I just kept on meeting new people. Met this guy, Aaron who's mostly a prick but what can you do? Thank God he's not my type, or I would be dead by now. I fell in love with Heath Ledger again.
Fun times. Holy fuck I'm 21. Ok apart from that. Heath Ledger will never get out of my head. Met another guy who looks amazing but doesn't study and apparently he can't speak English. I just hope that's a stupid joke. If it's true, I dunno, I'm sorry for him. Went out with friends, uni ended, had to write my first essay and make a presentation. Fail. Fun times, weird guys hahhahaha. You gotta love Stone. My parents came here, it was nice but time went by too fast. Met the guy I used to find interesting at uni in April (in Stone, of course). He's amazing. And the year ended with me looking like Bella in that scene in Twilight where she wakes up because Edward is waiting outside for her next to his car and she gets up, goes to the window, looks at him like an alcoholic at their favourite drink and shakes her head like "Holy Mother and Jesus, this isn't real. It's all a dream, whoa. OMG. I. have. nothing. to. say. Huh. Ok. I have to do stuff now." Yeah. Annoying.
I haven't made any resolutions for 2010. But they would be the same as last year:
1. Lose weight
2. Pass the exams with good grades
3. Make good friends
4. Continue to have a good job
5. Have more money
6. Maybe have a REAL boyfriend. I mean not like a stupid fling
7. Have a healthy family
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